Indonesian Ministry of Health Sets New Upper Price Limit for PCR: IDR 275,000 in Java-Bali, IDR 300,000 in Other Areas

The cheaper price for PCR swab test has been set by Indonesian Ministry of Health. For Java-Bali Rp275,000 and other areas Rp300,000.

In accordance with President Joko Widodo's instructions, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Health has set the highest price limit for the Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) swab test.

"From the evaluation results, we agree that the highest limit for RT-PCR examinations has been lowered to Rp 275,000 for the islands of Java and Bali. Meanwhile, for areas outside the islands of Java and Bali, it is Rp 300,000 ," said Acting Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health,Abdul Kadir, during a press conference on Wednesday (27/10/2021), as quoted from InfoPublik.

Kadir explained, this latest upper price limit comes into effect immediately today. The results of the RT-PCR swab examination are issued with a maximum duration of 1x24 hours.

Swab PCR test for covid-19
Mass swab test performed at Dr. Sardjito General Central Hospital, Yogyakarta. (Photo: RSUP Dr. Sardjito).

Kadir requested that all health care facilities such as hospitals, laboratories, and other inspection facilities that have been appointed to comply with the highest price limit of RT-PCR test.

He also urged the Provincial, Regency/City Health Offices to conduct guidance and supervision of the implementation of the highest tariff limits.

The evaluation was carried out by the Ministry of Health together with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) through the calculation of the cost of the RT-PCRP components.

"Those are services, reagan components and consumables, administrative cost components, and other cost components that we adjust to conditions," said Kadir. 

Previously, the Ministry of Health set the price for the PCR test at Rp 495,000  for Java and Bali and Rp 525,000 for outside Java and Bali.

On Sunday (24/10/2021), the government stipulates mandatory PCR test for airplane passengers. The mandatory rule of PCR testing for airplane passengers drew criticisms from various elements due to the higher price. In response, President Jokowi ordered a reduction in the price of PCR tests. The Ministry of Health has set the highest tariff for PCR tests in Java-Bali at IDR 275 thousand, while in other provinces IDR 300 thousand.